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Buy Contact Lenses Online at AC Lens

Freshlook One-Day

Freshlook One-Day

Freshlook One-Day Contact Lenses from CIBA Vision

FreshLook ONE-DAY is a daily disposable contact lens that enhances natural dark eyes perfectly, an excellent choice for those who only want to change their eye color occasionally. It provides a unique 3-in-1 technology blending three colors into one which gives a natural look.

There are four colors to choose from: Blue, Green, Gray and Honey. These lenses do not require a new fitting if you already use Focus Dailies lenses, just use your current prescription.

Freshlook One-Day - Best prices

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Freshlook One-Day Details

CIBA Vision Corp, Duluth, GACIBA Vision Corp, Duluth, GA
Daily disposable soft contact lenses
Tinted for ease of handling Inside-out indicated
31% polymer (Nelfilcon A), 69% water
10 colored contact lenses in buffered saline solution