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Buy Contact Lenses Online at AC Lens

Frequency 55 Toric

Frequency 55 Toric

Frequency 55 Toric Contact Lenses from CooperVision

Frequency 55 Toric is one of the most popular monthly disposable contact lenses that correct astigmatism. That correction combined with the convenience and comfort make the lens unique.

You can wear the same pair every day for up to a month before replacing them. Clean the lenses every night and use them again the next day. Frequent replacement gives you cleaner lenses and healthier eyes.

The special design of the lenses make sure the lens lays stable on the eye, which is necessary for correcting astigmatism. When ordering toric lenses, you will have to enter the values “axis” and “cylinder” besides the usual strength, base curve and diameter. Cylinder measures how big the error is, and axis where on the eye it is situated. The lens also exists in a XR version with extended range, for people with a higher degree of astigmatism.

Frequency 55 Toric - Best prices

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Frequency 55 Toric Details

Coopervision, Inc. Scottsville, NYCoopervision, Inc. Scottsville, NY
Monthly disposable soft contact lenses for astigmatism
Provides comfort and convenience Corrects astigmatism
45% polymer (Methafilcon B), 55% water
6 contact lenses in buffered saline solution