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Buy Contact Lenses Online at AC Lens

Expressions Accents

Expressions Accents

Expressions Accents Contact Lenses from CooperVision

Expressions Accents monthly disposable contact lenses give you a remarkable comfort and the best vision possible in a soft contact lens. The advanced tinting process makes the color changes natural and realistic.

Expressions Accents enhance the existing natural color of your eyes, which means the change is less dramatic compared to the one with Expressions Colors. The lenses are available in four colors: Violet, Green, Blue and Aqua.

The lens is a colored version of Frequency 55 Aspheric. The purpose of the lens aspheric shape is to reduce so-called spherical aberrations, which can give lower vision quality during darker conditions. This can cause problems for example when you are driving in the dark.

Expressions Accents have been discontinued in October 2010.

Expressions Accents - Best prices

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Expressions Accents Details

Coopervision, Inc. Scottsville, NYCoopervision, Inc. Scottsville, NY
Monthly disposable soft colored contacts
Great comfort Utilize an advanced tinting process
45% polymer (Methafilcon A), 55% water
6 lenses in buffered saline solution