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Buy Contact Lenses Online at AC Lens

Acuvue Bifocal

Acuvue Bifocal

Acuvue Bifocal Contact Lenses from Johnson and Johnson

Acuvue Bifocal from Johnson & Johnson is a bifocal contact lens for people with presbyopia that enables good vision regardless of distance. If taken out and cleaned every evening it can be used for two weeks. If worn day and night it should be used for one week.

Acuvue Bifocal was introduced by Vistakon in 1998 and was the first disposable lens for people with presbyopia, creating a new category in the contact lens market. Opticians recommend the lens for early presbyopes. (http://www.clspectrum.com/article.aspx?article=101451)

Like other Acuvue lenses, Acuvue Bifocal has an excellent UV protection. It has a class II rating, blocking 82% of the UV-A radiation and 97% of the UV-B radiation.

Acuvue Bifocal - Best prices

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Acuvue Bifocal Details

Johnson and Johnson Vision Products, Inc.Johnson and Johnson Vision Products, Inc.
1-2 week disposable soft contact lenses
No lens care needed Healthy way to wear contacts
42% polymer (etafilcon A), 58% water
6 visibly tinted UV blocking lenses in buffered saline solution