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Buy Contact Lenses Online at AC Lens

Acuvue Advance

Acuvue Advance

Acuvue Advance Contact Lenses from Johnson and Johnson

Acuvue Advance is a high-quality contact lens from Johnson & Johnson. It is a silicone hydrogel lens, an extra amount of oxygen will pass through to the eyes keeping them fresh. Thanks to its unique system, Hydraclear, the lenses remain moist and feel comfortable until the end of the day. This is achieved by the use of a tear-like ingredient, polyvinyl pyrrolidone.

Studies have also shown that Acuvue Advance contact lenses cause less staining than other contact lenses. Corneal staining can make the lens less comfortable. (clspectrum.com/article=12952, clspectrum.com/article=100843)

Acuvue Advance contacts are two-week contact lenses that are to be removed in the evenings and replaced again in the morning. Use it after your doctor’s ordination.

Acuvue Advance is one of few lenses that have been certified for a class I UV protection by AOA. The lens blocks 93% of the UV-A radiation and 99% of the UV-B radiation. Because of this lens, Johnson & Johnson was awarded the price SILMO d’or in 2004 for the year’s greatest technical innovation.

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Acuvue Advance Details

Johnson and Johnson Vision Products, Inc.Johnson and Johnson Vision Products, Inc.
1-2 week disposable soft contact lenses
- No lens care needed
- Healthy way to wear contacts
- High oxygen permeability
- Causes less staining than other lenses
- Class I UV protection
53% polymer (galyfilcon A), 47% water
6 visibly tinted UV blocking lenses in buffered saline solution