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Buy Contact Lenses Online at AC Lens

Acuvue 2 Colours

Acuvue 2 Colours

Acuvue 2 Colours Contact Lenses from Johnson and Johnson

Acuvue 2 Colours from Johnson & Johnson is a soft contact lens with special color enhancing layers. The lenses give you ten natural-looking colors to choose from. You also have the possibility to change your eyes color even though you don’t have any problems with vision.

Acuvue 2 Colours are extremely thin and they are mostly made of water which makes them very comfortable to wear. When choosing colored lenses you should make sure that you do not compromise with the quality of your lenses.

The lenses have a UV protection class II. They block 82% of the UV-A radiation and 97% of the UV-B radiation.

Acuvue 2 Colours - Best prices

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Acuvue 2 Colours Details

Johnson and Johnson Vision Products, Inc.Johnson and Johnson Vision Products, Inc.
1-2 week disposable soft contact lenses
No lens care needed Healthy way to wear contacts
42% polymer (etafilcon A), 58% water
6 visibly tinted UV blocking lenses in buffered saline solution