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Print West Virginia Board of Optometry Add to favorites

About West Virginia Board of Optometry

West Virginia Board of Optometry was established in 1909 and consists of seven members: five licensed optometrists, and two public members. The members are appointed by the Governor and serve 3-year terms.

This mission of the board is to formulate and carries out the goals, objectives, strategic plans, and project its values and beliefs to protect the public and encourage quality optometric eye and vision care.


The West Virginia Board of Optometry makes sure that all applicants for licensure and all Doctors of Optometry already licensed, Perfrom their profession in a manner that is beneficial and protects the public. The board also attempts to ensure that the highest quality optometric eye and vision care is provided in a professional, competent, and ethical way.


West Virginia Board of Optometry



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The board consists of Stephen G. Bailey, O.D. C. David Laughlin, O.D. Gregory S. Moore, O.D., President Matthew Berardi, O.D., Secretary-Treasurer Ms. Lori Gemondo, Consumer Representative Sharon Rubin, R.Ph., Consumer Representative Pamela P. Carper, Executive Secretary

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